In the midst of tough projects...

Terry and Susan, 12/30/22. Embracing each other and the new year 

In the midst of our own tough projects, again heartbroken - we're reminded of all those suffering in wars. 

A friend asks: “What rituals or practices do you put in place to nurture and nourish yourself?” Her question helps, so I’m passing it along remembering "If you want to heal the world, start with yourself.”


Besides formal meditation practices, a few personal practices:

Talk to companions. 

Those who know the practice of listening, offering presence as love. 

Grandma practice. Watch children. 

A grandson jumps on a trampoline. In between bounces, his body finds a meditative criss-cross applesauce in a leap. 

Notice waves coming and going.

Go to the beach and watch the ebb and tide. This reminds me that everything changes, which galvanizes an ability to be open to allowing thoughts and feelings to see what can be learned.

Walk in nature.

I take myself on walks. I check this nest often. It's been empty for about a year. The Great Blue Heron found its way back! Difficulty invites a reclaiming of our beautiful innate nature to care, be kind, and love. To come home to this potential. A friend said, "The highest, bravest calling is to be with what is, even when what is promises much heartache."

Talk to yourself. 

"Susan, can you experience all of this in a being-with way?" When I can, though pain remains, suffering diminishes. I notice: the more I practice being with, the more neutral feelings become, and a rainbow, the energy particles transform. It takes again and again. So many agains.


Like the heartache and appreciative joy of a loved one dying, cradling his head on the couch as a mother would a baby and realizing no coming, no going. Look, he smiles as he sleeps.